Art of (anti) Corruption
16 July 2018 - yerevan

…This program has been completed…


Through artistic and cultural interpretations of corruption in Armenia, the year-long “Art of (anti) Corruption” campaign seeks to raise awareness, educate and shine a creative light on the complicated effects of corruption on Armenian society and beyond.

The key message of the campaign is to raise awareness and educate people on their rights and to change the perception that corruption is an inevitable “way of life” in Armenia.

This project is funded by the Delegation of the European Union to Armenia and implemented by Impact Hub Yerevan.

Events & Activities

We successfully kicked off the project with an “Ideathon” evening, where we gathered creative minds to come up with appropriate messages for the program to best reach the general public in Armenia. Ideas were collected, discussed and narrowed down to be used in the project’s future activities:

Get Involved!

The official hashtag of the project is #ArtofCorruption, which is used and promoted for people to post their personal stories as well as report cases of corruption they have encountered.

To educate yourself further about this important topic and learn more about the upcoming competitions and events within the scope of this program, please follow the campaign’s official Facebook page.


Brought to you by Impact Hub Yerevan and the European Union in Armenia.