…This program has been completed…
Description & Goal
Imagine a capacity-building programme where social entrepreneurship meets cultural heritage to empower young people… Here you go!
Cult-Up is an initiative co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, within the frame of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, which aims to “encourage more people to discover and engage with Europe’s cultural heritage, and to reinforce a sense of belonging to a common European space”.
This capacity-building program has the ambition to empower young entrepreneurs working in the field of cultural heritage in Mediterranean and Eastern Europe. The participants from both of these European regions will learn together, inspire one another and exchange best practices of smart approaches to tourism and cultural heritage promotion. Duration of the program is 1 year.
We at Impact Hub do believe change cannot happen in isolation. It requires collective action. Having a global network of Impact Makers, based in 50+ countries across 5 continents, is key for that. Cult-Up is the fruit of a co-creation process, within our European Impact Hub Cluster, between Impact Hub Yerevan (Armenia), Tbilisi (Georgia), Odessa (Ukraine), Athens (Greece), Vigo (Spain) and Lisbon (Portugal).
Cult-Up Program Video
Through the program six international webinars were organized about social entrepreneurship and cultural heritage:
- Concept/Idea Behind Sоcial Entrepreneurship
- Conscious Branding
- Social Business Model Canvas
- Financial Sustainability
- Impact Measurement & Theory of Change
- Addressing success stories
Each webinar was hosted by one of the program organizing countries.
International Exchange Program
In May 2019 an international exchange program was organized in Spain, where the Cult-Up participants from the six countries met, participated in workshops and exchanged experience. The venue of the exchange, Sende, program was a live example of social entrepreneurship through restoring cultural heritage. It had been given a new life by hosting various projects, international groups, creative sessions, etc. and several activities that through reestablishment of the culture and heritage, gave a new life to the local community. This was one of the success stories the participants had the opportunity to explore.
Multi-Stakeholder Meetings
Multi-stakeholder meetings were organized locally, where different parties (public, private sectors, policy-makers, development organizations, NGOs, etc.) engaged in cultural heritage and social entrepreneurship gathered around to discuss the current situation and the development perspectives of cultural heritage and social entrepreneurship in the respective country giving to the young people the real dimension of all entity and actors involved in this field.
The Project Toolkit
Impact Hub Athens led the finalization of a toolkit on theory, practice and tools for SE with a focus on Cultural Heritage. The toolkit has been made available to more than 50 European Impact Hubs and to their community of members. All partners have participated in the co-creation of the toolkit, providing also case studies and information for the main core of the toolkit content. This toolkit will help young people with imagination when it comes to exploring ideas.
Access the toolkit here or view it below:
At a local level, the program was able to generate indirect positive effects on the participants. In particular, in Lisbon it was noticed that as participants had the chance to access the Impact Hub space to attend the webinars, they created a community of projects working in the cultural heritage sector and built a network of mutual support and peer-to-peer knowledge exchange. Moreover, it was interesting to notice how the projects recognized the space as a catalyst for relevant connections and collaboration opportunities. Feeling part of a larger community and having the chance of mixing online workshops, as well as offline team building moments, has been recognized by participants as an added value for the program.