Meeting with Minister of Health Arsen Torosyan
6 June 2019 - yerevan

Impact Hub Yerevan was proud to host a discussion with the Minister of Healthcare Mr. Arsen Torosyan. We discussed the health care challenges facing in Armenia today, the government’s anti-smoking efforts (including moving toward banning smoking in all public places), as well as universal health care and medical insurance models. Moreover, several of our start-ups which are focused on #SDG3 (Good Health & Well-being), including those in our Accelerate2030 and Neruzh programs, presented their work to the Minister and expressed a willingness to collaborate with the government via public-private partnerships.

The Impact Hub Yerevan community made a commitment to join in the Ministry of Health’s anti-smoking campaign and encourages government officials and government bodies to support this important step toward a healthier Armenian citizenry.

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