Transforming Homelessness – SELLA project webinar #4
22 November 2019 - yerevan

We were introduced to Pragulic, a wonderful initiative which takes on the difficult sphere of homelessness, with an aim to break societal stereotypes by showing people the city of Prague from a homeless perspective. We had a wonderful conversation with the co-founder of Pragulic, Tereza Jurečková, who spoke about the challenges they faced and the success they attained. Her inspirational conversation was followed by an interactive discussion about what we learned and how her experiences could be applied in Armenian reality. We look forward to the next SELLA webinar! This program is funded by British Embassy Yerevan, and it is being implemented by Impact Hub Yerevan in collaboration with Nazareth Seferian, a Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship educator, trainer, and consultant.

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